Reflective Writing

Reflective writing is an exercise that may help you to receive mental and emotional clarity following a pregnancy loss. There are no rules to how you participate in this activity although we do offer guidelines to help you get started.

Why engage in reflective writing?
Some psychologists believe that writing about stressful events helps you come to terms with them and also aids in reducing the impact of that stress on your physical health. Getting words down on paper can help clear your head of thoughts and ideas that are creating a mental swirl of confusion. It provides a safe, non-judgmental way to tell your story which can be particularly useful following a traumatic event.

How do I get the most out of my reflective writing experience?
1. Try to write without stopping and let your emotions guide you. Write what you are feeling even if the words are difficult – do not worry about spelling, grammar or sentence structure and do not go back and edit (it’s for your eyes only, it doesn’t have to be perfect!)
2. Set a time limit for your writing – you may want to start with just 5 minutes and gradually increase
3. Find a quiet, comfortable and private environment
4. Use whatever writing tool is best for you – this might be a physical or online journal

How do I embark on my reflective writing journey?

If you’re ready, here are a few topics to get started. They do not have to be done in any particular order.

1. The thing that continues to hurt the most after my loss is…
2. Something I wish people understood about my loss is…
3. I miss my baby most when…
4. The coping mechanism that has been most helpful after my loss is…
5. If I could say one thing to my baby (or babies) it would be…
6. The person who has supported me the most after my loss is…
7. One thing I want to remember about my pregnancy is…
8. Today I am struggling with…
9. The emotion I feel the most when thinking about my loss is…
10. Something that would help me to heal is…

It is our hope that reflective writing will provide an outlet for you to process your loss. If at any time you have questions, need assistance, or just feel stuck, please contact us so we can help guide you. We also value any feedback about this program or ideas for others you might be interested in seeing.