We lost our baby boy on May 28, 2015, he was going to be due on October 21. Everything was going right until that morning. I do not have that much information yet, they did tell me that I had an incompetent cervix….news to me. Luckily they said it can be fixed next time. When it happened I was in shock, thinking I did something wrong, and asking God why it happened to us. I never thought this would happen to our first little blessing. Needless to say I have gone through the emotions. Sad, angry, depressed, and now I am finally understanding that maybe God had a reason for this to happen.
It is definitely not the easiest thing to go through especially when I was 19 weeks, about to find out what our blessing was, and now I just feel empty inside. Now is the time that I need to feel normal, but how? I have learned of so many women that have gone through the same pain. They all tell me I still can have a healthy baby later on, but I wanted my little Bartley to make it. At least I know he is safe and in a happy place where he won’t grow up in our world where so much could happen to him. Even knowing that it still isn’t the same. How did all of you cope with such a terrible experience? I know it will take time, a ton of support and prayers and just a positive outlook.
I did hold our little bundle of joy and he was absolutely perfect. At least I know he will always be there looking out for us and he is with family members that have already passed on. I am so sorry you all had to go through this pain as well. We need to try to stick together, be there for one another, and show the world how much a miscarriage affects all of us.
-Jessica Ann Glenn
Dickson, TN
Published 6/15/15